
The Attini::Deploy::Runner resource only works in conjunction with the Attini deployment plan. See AttiniRunnerJob for more information.

The Attini::Deploy::Runner can only be created in the Attini init deploy stack.

Type: Attini::Deploy::Runner
  TaskDefinitionArn: String
  ContainerName: String
  EcsCluster: String
  RoleArn: String
  Image: String
  Memory: Integer
  Cpu: Integer
    Ami: String
    InstanceType: String
    InstanceProfileName: String
    MaxConcurrentJobs: Number
    IdleTimeToLive: Number
    JobTimeout: Number
    LogLevel: String
    Subnets: String,String
    SecurityGroups: String,String
    AssignPublicIp: String
      - String
    CommandsTimeout: Number


Type: String

ECS task definition that the Attini Runner should use.


The container image ENTRYPOINT or ECS task definition Entrypoint, must NOT be configured. If the ENTRYPOINT is configured, it will cause the Attini Runner not to start properly.

Depending on the ENTRYPOINT content, it can cause zombie ECS tasks.

Container image CMD and ECS task definition Command will be overwritten by the RunTask API call that Attini will call on your behalf.

To run commands from the Attini Runner, use the Attini::Deploy::DeploymentPlan AttiniRunnerJob type.

If you want to use CloudFormation to define the task definition, see AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition for more information.

Your TaskDefinitions IAM Role requires a basic execution policy called:


The “TaskDefinitionArn” configuration can not be combined with the “Image” configuration.

If “TaskDefinitionArn” and “Image” is omitted, default task definition will be used.

Required: No


Type: String

The name of the container in the task definition that should run the runner jobs. This is required if there is more than one container definition in the specified task definition.

Required: Conditional


Type: String

The name of the Attini Runners ECS Cluster.

Required: No

Default: attini-default


Type: String

This IAM Role will override the IAM Role from the TaskDefinition.

This IAM Role requires a basic execution policy that allows the runner to communicate with the deployment plan:

CloudFormation example:
  Type: AWS::IAM::Role
    Description: Attini runner task role
    Path: /attini/
      Version: 2012-10-17
          Effect: Allow
          Action: sts:AssumeRole
      - !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:policy/attini-runner-basic-execution-policy-${AWS::Region}

Required: No

Default: arn:aws:iam::{AccountId}:role/attini/attini-default-runner-role-{Region}


Type: String

A Container image that the runner should use. If you configure this value, Attini will configure a TaskDefinition for you with the following configuration:

  Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
      - Name: Container
        Image: ${Image}
          LogDriver: awslogs
            awslogs-group: !Ref {RunnerName}LogGroup
            awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region
            awslogs-stream-prefix: logs
    Cpu: 512
    ExecutionRoleArn: # Set to {RoleArn} or "Fn::Sub: arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/attini/attini-default-runner-role-${AWS::Region}"
    TaskRoleArn: # Set to {RoleArn} or "Fn::Sub: arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/attini/attini-default-runner-role-${AWS::Region}"
    Memory: 3072
    NetworkMode: awsvpc
      - FARGATE

  Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
    RetentionInDays: 90

If you want to change any configuration, you can create your own task definition.

The “Image” configuration can not be combined with the “TaskDefinitionArn” configuration.

If “TaskDefinitionArn” and “Image” is omitted, default task definition will be used.

Required: No


Type: Number

This configuration will override the memory configuration from the TaskDefinition.

If the runner uses Fargate, this has to be a valid Fargate CPU and memory configuration.

If the runner uses EC2, we recommend the memory configuration to be ca 70-80% of the available memory of the EC2 Host so that there is some memory left for the Host OS. Exactly how much memory your Host OS needs depends on your workload so you might need to adjust this if you face any issues.

Required: No


Type: Number

This configuration will override the CPU configuration from the TaskDefinition.

If the runner uses Fargate, this has to be a valid Fargate CPU and memory configuration.

If the runner uses EC2, this value has to be smaller than the available Host CPU.

Required: No


Type: Ec2Configuration

Configuration for the runner EC2 Host.

If this EC2 configuration is set, the Attini runner will use ECS EC2 launch type, otherwise Fargate launch type will be used. Consequently, the task definition has to be compatible with the correct launch type.

Find more information in the .

Required: No

Type: RunnerConfiguration

Configuration for the runner.

Required: No


Type: AwsVpcConfiguration

The VPC configuration for the Runner ECS task.


If AwsVpcConfiguration is omitted, Attini will use the default VPC and create a new security group resource in the init deploy stack. The security group will have no inbound rules (no openings), but allow all outgoing traffic.

Required: No


Type: StartupConfiguration

Startup instructions for the Attini Runner.

Required: No


CloudFormation intrinsic functions

Some parts of the Attini::Deploy::Runner configuration will be moved into the deployment plan state language definition so that it can be used by when Attini runs the RunTask API Call. This means that some CloudFormation functions (ex Fn::Join or Fn::ImportValue) might not work as expected. As a workaround, your can use deployment plan definition substitutions and reference the substitutions in the Attini::Deploy::Runner.