
When the deployment plan is executed, the Attini Framework will create a payload with a specific data structure that has to be respected for to the Attini types to function.

  "output": {
    "deploymentPlanStepName1": {
      "outputName": "String"
    "deploymentPlanStepName2": {
      "outputPath": {
        "outputName": "String"
  "environment": "String",
  "stackParameters": {
    "String": "String"
  "customData": {},
  "deploymentOriginData": {
    "distributionName": "String",
    "deploymentTime": "epochTime",
    "deploymentSource": {
      "deploymentSourcePrefix": "String",
      "deploymentSourceBucket": "String"
    "environment": "String",
    "distributionId": "String",
    "deploymentName": "String",
    "objectIdentifier": "String",
    "stackName": "String",
    "distributionTags": {
      "String": "String"
    "version": "SemanticVersion",
    "samPackaged": "boolean"
  "dependencies": {
    "distributionName": {
        "deploymentSourcePrefix": "String"


Type: Map<Map<String,String>> || Map<Map<Map<String,String>>>

This object contains outputs from previous steps. The first key under output references the State name of a previous step.

In simple scenarios, for example an AttiniCfn step, this section will just contain a key: value map from a CloudFormation stack output.

In more complex scenarios, for example when AttiniCdk step deploys multiple CloudFormation stacks, you might need an extra level in the output data structure to separate between different stacks.


Type: String

The current environment.


Type: Map<String,String>>

The parameters for the Init Deploy stack.


Type: Map<String,Map<>>

Under this field, you can add whatever data you need and the Attini Framework resources will pass it along. If data is given to the deployment plan state machine input, the input will end up under this field.


Type: DeploymentOriginData

This object contains information about the deployment origin data.


Type: Map<String,Map<String,String>>

If your distribution has a dependency, this data will tell you where to find the output from your dependency’s latest successful deployment.