AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) with Attini

The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an open-source framework that you can use to build serverless applications on AWS.

If an Attini deployment plan contains an AttiniSam step, Attini will build and package the SAM app automatically.

What does AttiniSam do?

The following steps are done automatically when the AttiniSam step is used.

  1. After the Attini CLI is done with the prePackage, the Attini CLI will look for a build directory within your SAM project. If the directory does not exist, Attini will run sam build.


    You need AWS SAM CLI installed on your computer or build container.

  2. Attini will then zip the whole SAM project, including the build directory. This means that the file names within your SAM app do not need to be compatible with S3 naming guidelines and the files will not be excluded by Attini ignore.

  3. Attini will convert the AttiniSam step into two steps. One AttiniRunnerJob that will run the sam package command, and one AttiniCfn step that will deploy the SAM template.

    If you have configured an custom default image, your image will need the SAM CLI installed.