Attini's AWS Resources

When you deploy the Attini Framework (attini-setup), it will create AWS resources in your AWS account. These resources will count against your account’s limits and generate AWS cost.

All Attini resources are following the “On-demand” pricing model, so it will not cost anything if you don’t use the Framework. The Attini Framework is also designed to be very lightweight and efficient, so small and midsize installations should fit within the AWS free tier.


This information is just regarding the AWS cost generated by using Attini, Attini as a product is free to use.

What AWS resources are created by the attini-setup?

The most accurate and up-to-date list underlying AWS Services for Attini Framework is found in the attini-setup CloudFormation stack or the attini-setup resource group. If you have concerns about the resources deployed by the attini-setup, we recommend you to deploy the attini-setup in a sandbox account were you can audit all resources.

Below is a list of the underlying AWS services that the Attini Framework depends on. The list below might change or be out of date, the actual inventory can be found through the instruction above.

Current resource list as of December 2022:

  • AWS::S3::Bucket
  • AWS::Lambda::Function
  • AWS::Lambda::Permission
  • AWS::Lambda::CodeSigningConfig
  • AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig
  • AWS::Events::Rule
  • AWS::IAM::Role
  • AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy
  • AWS::Logs::LogGroup
  • AWS::DynamoDB::Table
  • AWS::CloudFormation::Macro
  • AWS::ResourceGroups::Group
  • AWS::SNS::Topic
  • AWS::SNS::Subscription
  • AWS::ECS::Cluster
  • AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition

If you update or delete any resources that are managed by the attini-setup CloudFormation stack we can no longer guarantee that the Attini Framework will continue to work or be able to update in the future. If this happens, please contact support.

How much are the AWS resources in the Attini Framework costing me?

Because the Attini Framework is following the “on-demand” pricing model, It’s difficult to give total cost. There are also customer-specific factors like the AWS free tier and AWS savings plans that can affect the TCO.

To get a detailed report on the Attini Framework cost, you can enable the cost allocation tag {"Key": "Attini", "Value": "-"} to make your bill as transparent as possible. To enable cost allocation tags follow these steps in the AWS documentation monthly cost allocation report

“On-demand” pricing vs “Pay-as-you-go” pricing

These two pricing models might sound very similar, but they are very different. If something is “On-demand”, the resource will always be available and ready to be used, but if it’s “Pay-as-you-go” you have to pay for availability. Examples of AWS services that support “On-demand” pricing are AWS Lambda, S3, DynamoDB and CloudWatch logs. Example of AWS services that support “pay-as-you-go” pricing AWS EC2, ECS Fargate, KMS, CloudWatch alarms.

Attini is “On-demand”

At Attini, we believe that “On-demand” pricing is desirable in most scenarios and are striving to only use AWS resources with On-demand pricing. This means that regions that have an unused Attini Framework should be free except for:

  1. The Attini Auto update that will run a lambda on a schedule which can drive cost, this cost should never exceed one cent per year. Auto update is disabled by default.
  2. Files in S3 or data in DynamoDB that have been used for old deploys can drive a small cost (which depends on the deployment size). Please see artifact life cycle.