Interface AwsVpcConfiguration

The VPC configuration for the ECS task.

If awsVpcConfiguration is omitted, Attini will use the default VPC and create a new security group resource in the init deploy stack. The security group will have no inbound rules (no openings), but allow all outgoing traffic.

interface AwsVpcConfiguration {
    assignPublicIp?: boolean;
    securityGroups?: string[];
    subnets?: string[];


assignPublicIp?: boolean

Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. Default is false. * For more information see the AWS ECS VPC documentation

securityGroups?: string[]

A list of the security group ids associated with the ECS task.

For more information see the AWS ECS VPC documentation

subnets?: string[]

A list of the subnet ids associated with the ECS task. For more information see the AWS ECS VPC documentation.

For more information see the AWS ECS VPC documentation

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