
attini setup [-bh] [--accept-license-agreement] [--create-deployment-plan-default-role] [--create-init-deploy-default-role] [--disable-least-privilege-init-deploy-policy] [--give-admin-access] [--guided] [--json] [--keep-version] [--auto-update=<autoUpdate>] [--init-deploy-role-arn=<initDeployArn>] [-k=<environmentVariable>] [--license-token=<token>] [--log-level=<logLevel>] [-m=<email>] [-p=<profile>] [-r=<region>] [--resource-allocation=<resourceAllocation>] [--retain-distribution-days=<retainDistributionDays>] [--retain-distribution-versions=<retainDistributionVersions>] [-v=<version>] [--vpc-id=<vpcId>] [--subnets-ids=<subnetIds>]…​ [COMMAND]


Setup the Attini framework.



Accept Attinis licence agreement,


Should Attini framework auto update? If yes, enter a cron or rate expressions for when it should be done. If you don’t want in to auto update, leave this field empty. More info about cron or rate expressions

-b, -blind, --dont-follow

Don’t follow the deployment and print info to the console.


Should the Attini setup create a default role for the deployment plan? The default role have quite broad permissions soin a high security environment you can remove this role and provide your own role arn for the underlying step function.NOTE, you will have to provide the role to every individual deployment plan. That Role will need permission to read from AttiniDeployData DynamoDb table.


Should the Attini setup create a default role for the deployment plan? The default role have quite broad permissions soin a high security environment you can remove this role and provide your own role arn for the underlying step function.NOTE, you will have to provide the role to every individual deployment plan. That Role will need permission to read from AttiniDeployData DynamoDb table.


Use json as output format.


Gives the Attini framework admin access. This will create two admin roles, one for the Attini runner andone for the Attini action lambda function, which runs Attini steps like AttiniCfn or AttiniSam. These roles will be usedunless another role is specified.


Perform in guided mode.

-h, --help

Show information about this command.


Arn for the InitDeploy Cloudformation role, the AttiniDefaultRole role has Admin access and will therefore always work, however it does not follow the minimum access principle.


Use json as output format instead of yaml.

-k, --environment-parameter-key=<environmentVariable>

If you have a Cloudformation parameter AttiniEnvironmentName in any of your templates, Attini will automatically configure it. If you want this parameter to be called something else in your templates, you can override it.


Run the command without updating the version of Attini in your account.


Token to manage billing data. Mandatory for usage exceeding free tier. Tokens get be created from the Attini customer admin webpage.


The log level that all Attini services should use.

-m, --contact-email=<email>

Specify a contact email address that Attini can use to contact you or your organization.

-p, --profile=<profile>

Specify a configured profile, if absent the default profile will be used.

-r, --region=<region>

Specify an aws region (ex eu-west-1), if absent the default region will be used.


Configure ReservedConcurrentExecutions for the Attini Lambda functions. Find more details here


Configure how long Attini should save old distributions. Set to 0 to disable.


Configure how many distributions Attini should save, will take precedence over --retain-distribution-days. Set to 0 to disable.


If you require the Attini Lambda functions to be executed in any specific subnets, please fill it here. This also required VpcId to be configured.

-v, --version=<version>

Specify a version of the Attini framework, if left empty the latest version will be used.


If you require the Attini Lambda functions to be executed in any specific VPC, please fill it here. This also requires SubnetsIds to be configured.


list, ls

List available versions.