
attini distribution package [-h] [-cb] [-crl] [--json] [--skip-commands] [-ec=<envConfigPath>] [-i=<distributionId>] [--name=<name>] [-v=<version>] <path>


Package a distribution.


-cb, --container-build

Package in a container using docker.

-crl, --container-repository-login

Run login commands before getting container image.

-ec, --environment-config-script=<envConfigPath>

Optional path to a script file that will be executed before each package command execution phase. The file needs to be located inside the distribution and the path should be specified relative to the distribution root.

-h, --help

Show information about this command.

-i, --distribution-id=<distributionId>

Specify a distribution id to set for the distribution. Will be set before any prepackage commands are run. Will override any existing distributionId.


Use json as output format instead of yaml.


Set a custom name for the package


Dont run the pre or post package commands defined in the attini-config file.

-v, --distribution-version=<version>

Specify a semantic version for the distribution.



Specify a path to your distribution root. Required.